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“Now, more than ever, I need to be a comfort to my patients. A patient called my office in a panic insisting she come in and get tested for COVID-19. We used Direct Health’s video feature, and I was able to assure her that her enlarged erythematous tonsils and symptoms suggested strep throat. In that moment, Direct Health was an immense value to both of us.”
“I personally like Direct Health’s asynchronous messaging because it fits into the daily flow of my life, and patients prefer it too.
The app has been a huge hit with all of my patients.”
“I use Direct Health every day and have been able to provide better customer service because Direct Health allows my clients to directly connect with me for a fee. I was worried clients would be resistant to paying for telemedicine, but most have considered it a small price to pay for direct access to their veterinarian.”
“Direct Health has thought of everything and it’s more user-friendly than any EHR I have used. They offer the ePrescribe, eReferrals, and billing and coding all in one place!”
“The best things about Direct Health are that it is easy to setup and it works. We purchased it Wednesday and were using it with our patients on Friday. It also gives us the freedom to bill the patient or insurance.”
“Direct Health is sustaining my practice and helping keep my office safe while caring for patients during COVID19. It was easy to install, set up and implement. The support staff is helpful and attentive. It is affordable for someone in solo practice and I didn’t need to buy any other new technology. Direct Health let me move from the realization that I was going to need to be practicing telehealth to actually doing it in half a week.“